This journal is dedicated to our work, reveries, stories + insightful musings
We always want to bring forth a healthy outlook + practical know-how for all seasons
The Whitewashing of the Wellness Industry; 6 Brands Leading the Conversation
With political activism heightened in this period of global inquiry, it got me questioning the position of the wellness industry. To clarify, I am very much an advocate of wellness as a practice, and I strive to welcome others into searching what health and wellness means to them. What I distrust is the wellness industry, which currently portrays wellness as a linear thing in a number of ways.
10 Apps that Help with Day-to-Day Mindful Living
We’ve collected 10 great wellness apps out there to support you in your life right now.
In a Time of Digital Obsession, Consume Wisely
Following a recent feud over a rising wellness brand found to be plagiarising and conveying harmful narrative, the discussion of personal responsibility around our consumption habits couldn’t be any more important.
Working In Isolation: A Survival Guide
Home is no longer a mere base for downtime. For the majority of us it is now our office, gym, school, restaurant and coffee shop all rolled into one whilst in lockdown. We’ve compiled a few tips gathered from the Season team who are well seasoned (excuse the pun!) at working from home, to help bring structure to this new normal and offer some tips for remaining focused because it can be both gratifying and fruitful when you carve out a routine that really works for you.
Reset, Recalibrate + Reconnect in response to Covid-19
Let’s take this time to reset, recalibrate + reconnect.
Together as a collective and it’s never been more important to adopt a growth mindset. This time is reminding us more than ever before how much we are all connected. Nothing exists in isolation.
5 Productivity Hacks for Slow Days
Slow days. We all have them. We’re always looking for ways though to maximise our productivity to avoid any afternoon slumps. On occasion though, our own wellbeing has been sacrificed. We’ve put other commitments before our own self-care and now sharing our five top tips to stay productive and focused.
The Future Of Marketing? Storytelling
Brands can no longer afford to not deeply connect with audiences on an emotional level. That’s where storytelling comes in. It’s the cohesive narrative that weaves all the emotions and facts that your brand stands for. With over one billion brands actively marketing each month, it’s becoming increasingly important to stand out with your WHY. Give your customers a very good reason to buy into your service or product. When you start sharing the story behind your brand consistently, that’s when you see a sea change. Treating your story as the maypole in the centre of your marketing strategy, and the result will be a brand that is as captivating as it is profitable.
Your Brand Photography - Make The Greatest Impression
You will have heard this a thousand times but an image really is worth a thousand words.
Imagery has never been more important for your brand to convey your message in the most effective and efficient way so you truly connect and resonate with your people. If your photos are sub-standard, it could very easily make your brand look mediocre and careless so having great imagery should always be at the top of your list of priorities. Why?
Luxury Brands Today
Business models have changed. 2018 sees new brands coming in from every angle, disrupting every sector. We explore the shift and what that means for luxury brands today.
So what does luxury mean? Does luxury mean anything to anyone anymore? Think about it. You can buy luxury cheese, luxury linen, luxury cleaning products, luxury paper, luxury loo roll… the list of luxuries goes on and on and unfortunately, on. I don’t know about you but I find the word to be so worn-out now, that without true meaning, it’s just all got a bit boring.